
Castellini C Platinium

5/50/100: The numbers of performance

We developed the first closed-loop steriliser that uses mains water through a specific internal filtration system that recycles water to be reused in the following cycles. This performance eliminates waste, reduces costs and ensures a significant increase in the efficiency of any modern dentistry surgery. It also solves all issues relating to demineralised water storage and supply.

Operating principle

Unlike traditional sterilisers, C Platinum does not require any external water connection for mains water treatment. Thanks to the demineralisation filter on the main tank, the user can fill the latter with plain tap water, thereby significantly optimising spaces, streamlining processes and achieving considerable savings. The different filtration systems of C Platinum guarantee unprecedented ease of operation.

Used water treatment
The nano-ceramic recirculation filter, incorporated into the secondary tank, makes it possible to distil and purify water so that it can be reused in the following sterilisation cycle. The built-in conductivity sensor ensures compliance with water quality parameters as it protects the machine internal components from excess lime. Total consumption is 5 litres per 50 cycles, meaning approx. 100 ml/cycle, a real revolution.

7” Display
The size of the display, its performance and the research carried out to develop the user interface make the steriliser simple and ready-to-use.